Friday, November 21, 2008


Nearly 2 weeks ago Sheila was taken to the hospital by her parents. All this time she has laid in a hospital bed receiving I.V. fluids, doctors telling the parents nothing, a common scenario here. Nursing weakly at her mothers' breast, she has shown slight improvement, but most recently has begun to deteriorate.
Yesterday the parents allowed Willem to provide transportation to have the baby taken to a reputable, newly built Catholic children's hospital, Little Brothers Little Sisters. Today the doctor told the parents that their infant needed to be taken to General Hospital to have surgery. In Haiti, when a medical professional tells you this, it means you are going to General Hospital to die. That is the reputation of that hospital.
Sheila's parents decided to take their baby girl home.
That is what we have.
Please continue to pray with us that God will be glorified through this situation. MTM will provide as much medical support as possible to this family & the Gramothe church & village people will be there to support also. We know that God can bring this child back to a full life & we will all do our best to help her to live.
Thank you for your continued prayer support.
Praise the Lord!

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