Sunday, November 9, 2008


Rescue efforts continue in the school that collapsed Friday morning.
The school is located at the end of a road that starts out as paved, nearly two lanes eventually narrowing down to an unpaved foot path. This is what has made the rescue efforts so difficult.
MTM was able to donate supplies from the Gramothe Medical Clinic to rescuers (face masks, eye protection, bandaging materials, rehydration supplies, eye drops, pain relievers..) & will continue to help however we can.
The pastor who owns & built the school has been arrested & they are trying to charge him with manslaughter, but who is really to blame? A pastor creating a place for children to go to school, or a government with little to no enforced building codes that can easily be paid off for the right price?
Your continued prayers are necessary!

Willem with a few of the supplies that MTM gathered for rescuers.

This is the stopped tractor trailer that lost its brakes, carrying the backhoe. Notice the mangled cars on the left.

These 4 cars were towed to the Petionville police station. They were a few of the cars that were in the way of the run away tractor trailer Friday night.

~Sorry for the bad pics, we are having difficulty with our camera! If anyone knows what the problem could be (horizontal lines in the pictures), please write me!~

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