Monday, July 13, 2009

The Road to Gramothe...

These pictures, taken just 1 week after our departure from Haiti, are of greatest value to those who have visited MTM & understand how we are able to get supplies to the village of Gramothe.
Our area of Haiti has received an unseasonable amount of rain this spring & the river has washed away the portion of the "road" that allows us to drive up the mountain. The drop off is so steep & right up against the mountain making it difficult for even a donkey to climb in an effort to carry supplies to the village.
Before we can do anything, upon our return to Haiti, this road must be fixed. This will involve a very savvy engineering plan, heavy equipment, labor & lots of funds. The goal will be to not just fix the road, but to also create a diversion for the water so that we will not encounter this situation in the future.
Will you help?
Donations are being accepted now. Go to the MTM website,, & click "Donate" or write your check & send it to MTM, c/o Calvary Chapel of Danville, 2165 East Main Street, Danville, IN 46122. Either way, please designate your gift as, "Gramothe Road Repair".
Above all else, please pray for wisdom, discernment & provision as we work, even now, on this project.
Thank you in advance!

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