Monday, July 13, 2009

The Road to Gramothe...

These pictures, taken just 1 week after our departure from Haiti, are of greatest value to those who have visited MTM & understand how we are able to get supplies to the village of Gramothe.
Our area of Haiti has received an unseasonable amount of rain this spring & the river has washed away the portion of the "road" that allows us to drive up the mountain. The drop off is so steep & right up against the mountain making it difficult for even a donkey to climb in an effort to carry supplies to the village.
Before we can do anything, upon our return to Haiti, this road must be fixed. This will involve a very savvy engineering plan, heavy equipment, labor & lots of funds. The goal will be to not just fix the road, but to also create a diversion for the water so that we will not encounter this situation in the future.
Will you help?
Donations are being accepted now. Go to the MTM website,, & click "Donate" or write your check & send it to MTM, c/o Calvary Chapel of Danville, 2165 East Main Street, Danville, IN 46122. Either way, please designate your gift as, "Gramothe Road Repair".
Above all else, please pray for wisdom, discernment & provision as we work, even now, on this project.
Thank you in advance!

Updated Summer Schedule Details

We are in full swing of the summer here in Indiana! Below is where you can find us. We'd love to see you & always enjoy sharing about Haiti & the work of MTM.

  • Wednesday, July 15th, 7:00 p.m., Jasonville Assembly of God, 239 W. Main St., Jasonville, IN, 812-798-1871
  • Wednesday, July 22nd, 7:00 p.m., Cross Tabernacle, 2929 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, IN,
  • Saturday, July 25th, Avon, IN, this will be a team meeting & church service following. Please call 812-201-7383 for details.
  • Sunday, July 26th, 10:30 a.m., First Baptist Church of North Terre Haute, 2944 E. Hall St., Terre Haute, IN,
  • Sunday, July 26th, 6:00 p.m., Oregon Baptist Church, 11200 S. Carlisle St., Terre Haute, IN, 812-898-2196
  • Wednesday, July 29th, 7:00 p.m., Kings Highway Tabernacle, 2901 S. 7th St., Terre Haute, IN,
  • Sunday, August 2nd, 10:30 a.m., Calvary Chapel of Danville, 2165 E. Main St., Danville, IN,