Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More Toilet Photos!

Ok, look closely as these may be the last of the Gramothe School Toilet photos that you get to see for a long time!
The "doors" (shower curtains-thanks to Molly & her wonderful mother!) are up & the facilities have had 2 days of initiation by students & staff :)

Students are thrilled & just can't believe that someone would be in there having a "b.m." & noone knows (ha! the blessing of a personal window-exhaust!)!

Enjoy the following pics & hey, thanks for letting us share!
Primary school girls trying out the new sink.

High school girl checking out the new flush toilet.

Some of the high school guys get a tip from Willem of where not to aim :)

Just a cute bunch of guys getting a handwashing lesson.

1 comment:

G. Moyiz said...

Good work guys! Willem, Si gen 10 moun k'ap fè menm bagay sa-a. Peyi ap fe on pa anavan.

God bless...