Monday, April 2, 2007

Well, here we go!

This is a new venture for us, so everyone will need to bare with us until we get this blogging thing down. We are excited about the ability to keep you all better informed about happenings here in Haiti.

Right now, the house is all transformed & ready to recieve 16 guests from the Terre Haute, IN area that will be conducting a 4 day medical/dental clinic in Gramothe starting tomorrow. Laura Gesin (New Jersey), Megan Collins (Ft. Wayne, IN) & Paul Denhann (BC, Canada) are already here, so we'll have a housefull!

For those who've been praying for Stephen, thank you! He's doing fine but continues to have frequent migraines. We just keep praying him thru each day of school & by God's grace he'll finish this last quarter of 4th grade!

It's a beautiful afternoon in Haiti! I will leave you now with a little something to feast your eyes on. This is a picture of the Christmas party we had in Gramothe for all of the students. They were overwhelmed with the experience of the jumping castle. They also enjoyed a sno cone, popcorn & a hot dog each. Most of the children had never had neither a snocone or katsup! It was great fun for all!
God bless you!


Willem & Beth

1 comment:

Sheri Swan said...

Hi Beth and Willem. What a great way to share all that God is blessing you with at MTM. Love to all, Sheri and Rick Swan