Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Arrivals!

Finally out of Haitian customs is this Ford Excursion, purchased for MTM to help move in-coming teams from the airport to the mountain. The last MTM team arrived to the PAP airport, in the rain, & drove to the mountain, in the rain. Yes, that means all of the people & the luggage were soaked by the time they arrived. The Excursion can shuttle 10 people plus carry ons, & best of all for us, it's diesel! A big, big thanks to all of those in Iowa that helped with this purchase, customs & the process of it all from start to finish!

Tightly packed away in the Excursion was this brand new sound system. Thank you to those in Terre Haute who provided this badly needed, valuable piece of equipment to the church of Gramothe.
Matt has an enthusiastic student as Stephen is detirmined to be the new sound man!

Now here's a good lookin' sound man who is ready to be in control!
Thanks Matt for all your help!

Church in Gramothe will never be the same!

Praise the Lord!

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